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Just Jigsaw

Nokia Series 60, Siemens SX1,
and Nokia Communicator

User Guide


Version 1.4.2
February, 2003

Michael Glickman

Table of Contents


Operating the application Game Panels Miscellaneous


An image is cut into frames by several vertical, and horizontal lines. You need to reconstruct the image by moving each frame to it appropriate position on the board.

Two separate releases are available for the following devices:

Series 60 (S60) :   Nokia 7650,  Nokia 3650,  Siemens SX1
Series 60  v2 :       Nokia 6600
Series 80 (S80) :   Nokia Communicator 9210 and  9290

Currently the only difference between Series 60 and Series 60 v2 is that the later does not produce an  incompatibility warning when installed on Nokia 6600 and other Series 60 v2 devices,  thefore we won't differentiate between the two releases hereafter.

The application supports various image formats including jpg, gif, png, bmp, and all resonable image sizes, even exceeding actual screen size. You can deploy images straight from a memory card. if available. A number of customised options allow to get a game exactly the way you want it.

The demo images are no longer supplied in the distribution package. The images are available separately from the application site.

The concept is based on Palm® version, while the application was substantially redesigned and the code was rewritten almost completely from scratch for the current release.

Operating the application

Key Names. Differences between keypads (Series 60).

The following terms names are used in the manual.

Screen buttonsSeries 60 (S60): Two buttons (left and right) located just below the screen.
Communicator (S80): Four buttons located to the right from the screen. The buttons are numbered from top to bottom: button 1 is the topmost button,  button 4 is the lowest one.
Left, Right
Up,  Down
7650: joystick move in corresponding direction
3650, SX1 and S80: pressing a corresponding arrow key
OK7650: pressing joystick down,
3650 and SX1: pressing middle key on the arrow pad
S80:  pressing Enter (middle right on the keyboard)
Send  S60: A key marked with a green or aquamarine handset picture  .
S80: Space outside a game, or Ctrl inside game have equivalent actions.
Clear S60: A key marked with  C .
S80  Backspace (top left on the keyboard) or Esc  - see the manual
Phone keys (S60)


Letter keys (S80). Work similarly to S60 phone keys.

While Nokia 7560 and 6600 have a  standard T9 (rectangular)  location of keys, at Nokia 3650  keys are arranged in a circle.

Series 60 release automatically recognize Siemens SX1 (two-sided),  Nokia 3650 (round)  and   standard  (rectangular) keypad  and uses the convenient key layout.

Before a puzzle starts ...

There are several panels:  Statistics, Scores, Rules , Help, About.

You can select a panel by using Menu.
To bring up the Menu, press Left screen button (S60) or Menu key (S80).

S80 users:  it is recommended to avoid using menu in image browser or while playing a game.

You can also use the following arrow keys ..

Left   - select previous panel
Right - select next panel
and screen buttons (S80):
Button 2  -  show next page
Button 3  -  bring Help/About page
When editing rules, the arrows are used as:
Up  Down  -  go to previuos next line (rule)
Left Right  -  select previous/next value for the current rule.
OK              - accept rules

Send and Clear perform special functions depending on the active panel:

Send / Space
Statistics - suspend statistics
Rules (view) - start editing
Rules (editing) - reset to default
Help or  About - go to next page
Score Table - start a new puzzle
Clear  / Backspace
Statistics -reset statistics
Help or  About - go to previuos page
Common actions (unless specific for active panel)::
OK / Enter or  [5]  -  Start a new puzzle
Right/Bottom sreen button  or Esc - exit application, or close Help/About

Image browser

After selecting Start Puzzle, you come to the image browser where you need to select an image.

To avoid confusion we provide separate paragraphs for S60 ans S80 users.

Controling Image Browser with a Series 60 model

Use  Up and Down keys to highlight an image or a directory (folder) name , and press OK,  or   Top sscreen button. If  you selected a directory, the application opens it, so that you can select an image from this directory. If you selected an image, the application will use it for the pizzle.

You can select images from the phone memory, or from an additional drive, like memory card.  The application is dessigned to support several additional drives. To change current  drive use Left  and Right keys. While browsing  main directory of a drive, the media label is shown in the navigation bar above the list of images.

Use Right Screen button  for returning  to the parent directory; in case main folder of a drive is currently browsed, this will quit image browser. To  quit the browser press Clear.

Collecting preview icons (thumbnails) might take a while, and if it is annoying, you can disable (and then re-enable) thumbnails by pressing [#].

You can select sorting order and the type of image details with Send, or  [*]  keys.  The following options are available
No matter which sorting order is selected, a number below a directory name shows total number of files in this directory (including subdirectories). Note that some files might not be images (especially for a memory card), therefore the number of images you are going to get might be less.

Controling Image Browser with  Communicator

Image browser can operate in one of the following modes. To change mode use Screen Button 2 (Mode)..
Press Button 3 (Preview) to enable disable showing image thumbnail. Collecting thumbnails might take a while.

You can select images from the phone memory, or from an additional drive, like memory card.  To choose an image from an additional drive, select Directory Tree Mode, highlight an additional drive in the directory tree, press Space to expand it, and select appropriate subdirectory.

Operating a puzzle

A puzzle can be operated in one of the following two modes:

Mode 1 (operating cursor)

You can see all frames and a cursor::
Cursor image
Move the cursor so that its central point is located above a frame, and  press OK / Enter  key to select it. This will switch the application to mode 2 where you can operate selected frame.

In case image size exceeds screen size, scrolling is performed: each time a part of the board is mapped onto a scrren, and this area changes whenever cursor goes out of the  mapped area. In the manual we use term logical screen for the whole puzzle area that may exceed the actual area available for mapping, referred as physical screen. For small images, logical screen and physical screen are same.

In mode 1 the keys are used as the following:


Left screen button Top screen button
pause;  status is shown; time is not advanced; press the button again to resume game
Right screen buttonBottom screen button ,
or Esc
quit  puzzle
Left,  Right, Up,  Downmove cursor fast;  speed accelerates faster than in case of using phone keys (*);
[4]   [6]
[2]   [9]

[4]   [9]

[R]   [Y]
move cursor slow (corner  keys move cursor diagonally)  (*),

view image while the key is kept pressed; time is not advanced; an image exceeding screen size is shown scaled.
[*][S] or [B]
current frame on top; in case frames overlap this will place current frame on top of others  (*)
current frame to bottom; in case frames overlap this will place current frame below all others. (*)
or [0]
or [6]
or [2]
or  [N]
view status; same as pause but the status is shown while key is kept pressed
OK or [5]  OK 
or [1]
 Screen Button 2,
 or  Esc
select frame and switch to mode 2


(*) Communicator:  Keeping Shift pressed changes an action to the opposite, e.g.
Shift + Left  - move cursor slow left
Shift + [R]   - move cursor fast left
Shift + [M]  - current frame to top 

Mode 2 (operating selected frame)

Cursor is hidden, current (selected) frame is marked with green borders. By default, all other frames, which are not yet on board are also hidden. Use joystick, and/or keys to push, rotate, or flip the frame. When the frame gets close to its board position, it gets stuck to board, while the application switches back to mode 1. You can switch to mode 1 at any time by pressing Right/Bottom  screen button.

Scrolling is perforned when the centre of current frames goes out of the mapped area.

In mode 2 the keys are used as the following




Top screen button
pause; status is shown; time is not advanced; press button again to resume game
Left screen button Screen buttons 2 and 3
flip,  rotate counter clockwise, or pause (**)
Left, Right, Up, Downpush frame fast;  speed accelerates faster than in case of using phone keys;
if Align Frames is enabled, the frame is shifted to its neighbour position (see Rules )  (*)
rotate clockwise, flip or deselect  (**)
[4]   [6]
[2]   [9]
[4]   [9]


[A]   [D]
push frame slow  (corner  keys push diagonally);
if Align Frames is enabled, the frame is shifted to its neighbour position (see Rules )  (*)
view image while the key is kept pressed, time is not advanced; an image exceeding screen size is shown scaled.
view status while key is kept pressed, time is not advanced.
[*][S] or [B]
rotate clockwise; rotation angle is equal to rotation granularity (see Rules ) (*)
rotate counter clockwise; rotation angle is equal to rotation granularity  (see Rules )  (*)
[0] [6][2]
flip in case if flip is enabled (see Rules ), otherwise 
show status (while key is kept pressed)
Right screen button, [5]Right btn, [1]
Bottom screen button, Space
deselect frame and return to mode 1


(*) Communicator:  Keeping Shift pressed changes an action to the opposite, e.g.

Shift + Left  - move frame slow left
Shift + [R]   - move frame fast left
Shift + [S]   - rotate counter clockwise 

(**) OK / Enter  and  screen buttons operate according to rotation and flip modes (see Rules )

Series 60:
ConditionOK Left screen button
Both rotation and flip are enabled rotate clockwiseflip
Rotation is enabled, flip is disabled rotate clockwiserotate counter clockwise
Rotation is disabled, flip is enabled flippause 
Both rotation and flip are disabled deselect frame and switch to mode 1pause

Series 80:
Screen Button 2
Screen Button 3
Both rotation and flip are enabled rotate clockwise
rotate counter clockwise
Rotation is enabled, flip is disabled
not used
Rotation is disabled, flip is enabled rotate clockwise
rotate clockwise
rotate counter clockwise
Both rotation and flip are disabled
deselect and switch to mode 1
not used
not used

Game Panels


To edit rules:
  1. Select Rules panel
  2. Press Send / Space for switching to editing mode
  3. Use Up and Down  to hightlight the rule you wish to edit
  4. Use Left and Right to change the value of selected rule.
  5. After all rules looks are set up, press Left / Top screen button to save and activate the rules, alternatively you can discard all changes by pressing Right / Bottom screen button.
In editing mode you can set all rules to default by pressing Send  / Space key.  This will not actually update the rules until you press Accept (Left / Top Screen button).

The rules are explained below. Default values are shown in barackets ( [ ] ).

Verical /horizontal cuts [4]
Number of stripes in each direction  (one  more than  the number of corresponding cutting lines).

Rotation granularity [90]
Minimum  angle used  for frame  rotation. None disables frame rotation.

If rotation is enabled (e.g rotation granularity is not None), while creating the puzzle  each frame may be rotated on an angle which is a factor of rotation granulairy. For example if rotation granularity is 90, a frame may be rotated on  0 (no rotation), 90, 180, or  270 degrees.

Straight cuts:    none/vertical/horizontal/both [none]
Use straight rather than curved  lines  for cutting in specified direction(-s).

Even if disabled, straight cut are performed when frame size (horizontal size for vertical cuts, or vertical size for horizontal cuts) is too small for curved cuts.

Flip:   disabled/enabled  [disabled]
If flip is enabled, some frames are created as their mirror images. Use [0] key in mode 2 for flipping.  If flip is disabled, all frames have correct orientation and there is no way to flip.

Align frames: disabled/enabled [disabled]
By default, frames are placed uniformly on the logical screen. When  frame alignment is  enabled, each frame is placed at destination of some (most probably other) frame,  while  any push just relocates current frame  to the neighbour frame destination.  This mighh be a good solution for  ones  who  get  annoyed  with pushing frames.

Cutting lines on board: show / hide [show]
Show,  or  hide cutting lines on the the board."; },

Non-current frames: show/hide [hide].
By  default,  all non-current frames, which aren't on board yet are hidden in mode 2. You can set Non-current frames to show, so that the "irrelevant" frames will never disapper. Selected frame will be still on top, and can be identified by green borders. This appears to make the game more natural, but  more complex as well.

Shrink to fit screen: disabled / enabled  [disabled].
If enabled, an emage exceeding screen size is shrinked to avoid  need for scrolling. If disabled, an image exceeding double screen size is shrinked. Shrinking always preserves aspect ratio (width / height) .

Time limit:  [5 min]
Terminate a puzzle after a specified time interval,  Unlimited  for ... guess what.  An unregistered copy always assumes 5 minutes,  as the time limit.


Score is an attempt to give an evaluation to a solved puzzle. The scoring system is not pretended to be absolutely perfect, please send your comments for improvement.

The initial score depends on the puzzle difficulty, such as  number of cuts, rotation granularity, and other conditions like flip, straight cuts, show cutting lines, hide non-current frames, and whether frames are square (i.e. average width is same or almost same as average height).

Each frame push reduces the score by the sum of horizontal and vertical displacements, while each rotation and flip reduces the score by one. Cursor moves do not affect the score.  Score decrementing stops when reaches 0.

The application keeps top 12 scores. The Score Table panel shows the following top score details:

Series 60

Series 80


Statistics page shows:
Fromstarting date/time, this is the date/time of last reset, or date/time of first run;  shows susp, if statistics is suspended.
Time playedaccumulated duration
Puzzles played/solved total number of puzzled played and percentage of solved puzzles.
Frames total/succeeded
total number of frames and percentage of the ones which were placed on board; this information is collected for all played puzzles, including  unsolved ones.
Average durationaverage duration of a puzzle
Average scoreaverage score of solved puzzles
Average framesaverage number of frames per a puzzle


 Known bugs

Can't disable menu bar in game and image browser (Communicator). To be honest, we simply have no time for the 'experiments'.


Why and how

Advantages of the  registered copy: The product can be purchased from one of the distributors listed below.. While purchasing, you need to provide name, or alias to be used as Licensed to .

By purchasing our product, you support our effort in creating first class software for Palm® and mobile phones using alternative operating systems, and contribute to establishing a healthy competition between different platforms, and methodologies.


The product can be purchased from the following sites:
New distributors all over the world are welcomed !  Please, write to .

Who we are ?


The product has been developed and supported by  Palmcrust (Australia).

Application web site: .

Company web site: .

Please, send your comments, bug reports, etc to

Please, don't use this address for irrelevant (unsolicited) messages !  We have powerful tools against that.

Other products.

Other PalmcrustTM products for Nokia Series 60 include:
Draughts Galore

International, English/American (Straight), Brazilian, Pool, Russian, Spanish and Thai  draughts/checkers all in one. You can choose to play a give-away game (win by loosing pieces), and/or time limitation (normal or blitz), along with a variety of other customized features

Java  MIDP (J2ME):  Nokia Series 60, 40,  Motorola T720, A830, 388c, i95cl.
PalmOS and Symbian native releases are coming later this year

NiFrac preview iFRAC

A 3D game of packing cubes and right prisms. Customised  features, local score table, and world-wide scores on the Web, self-play mode.

Symbian OS native: Nokia Series 60 and  Nokia Communicator
Java  MIDP (J2ME):  Nokia 7210/6610, 3510, Motorola T720 and Siemens
Palm OS native: Palm

Xr0w preview Xr0w

A game of crosses and noughts with board size up to 15x15, and five tokens  in a  row  to win. 3 computer skill levels, and other parameters.

Java MIDP :  numerous platforms incuding  Series 60
Personal Java:  Nokia Communicator.
Palm OS native

TLightZ previewT-LightZ

Notice the colour of last flashing light! Play with human, or computer. Customized speed, and other parameters.

Symbian OS native: Series 60,
Java MIDP :  different platforms, including Nokia Series 40, and all Siemens J2ME models.
No support for Palm and Nokia Communicator.